2 Jun 2008

Dragonfly: Red-veined Darter

I love dragonflies and have been capturing their photos whenever I went outdoors. This will my first post about dragonflies. I use Nikon D40X to capture all my photos, there are some using Fujipix S5000.

Red-veined Darter

Found this Red-veined Darter near a small stream by my father-in-laws house in Tangkak. I think this species is locally common as it can be found almost anywhere.

I manipulated this darter for my header and changed the body to magenta to match my blog. I thought the magenta dragonfly doesn't exists but to my surprise, I found one two days ago near the manmade pond at Awan Besar R&R, KESAS Highway. I almost screamed coz my imagination has turned out to be real!


Anonymous said...

Wow great shot. They are so difficult to photograph coz one wrong move and they fly away.

Beautiful! Keep it up.

emilayusof said...

It was hard, Jade! It keeps darting here and there.

Ying Pang, said...

wow, I don't know we have this species here:-)) I live in Tangkak:-)) I admire your work and hope to see more:-) I am a Malaysia cardmaker.

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