Today, I found him again. I was able to capture his image clearly as he didn't noticed me. He was at the same spot only this time on the rose leaf. The flowers all have died but there is a hint of more flowers to come by the numbers of budding buds (is that the correct terms? I am never a good gardener). He ran and hide again after my son came and spray him with water.
I take macro photography as therapy. It is fun. If you have a digital camera, you should try too. I don't have a proper extreme macro lens but I just use the standard 18-55mm and the high power 55-200mm Nikkor lenses. Sometimes, I reverse them just to have that extreme macro shots. I would love to have the Micro Nikkor 105mm but right now it's too darn expensive, RM3,400! I guess I just have to make use with what I have, after all I'm just a hobbyist.
p/s I don't really know the sex of the insects, I just address them as 'he' or 'she' by their looks. This one looks macho enough to be called a 'he'. Lol!
emila, the spider wt rose pic was awesome! i love the color and the effect! it makes the photo looks so interesting! :D
the second photo is great too! it's like he's posing for you! ^^ I love makro shot!
Thanks Jean! I love macro too!
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