2 Jun 2008

Spelling Blunder #2: Pelencungan

The writing on the bench means Malaysia Tourism Development Corporation. The mistake was in the pelencungan word. It was supposed to be pelancongan, not pelencungan. It's from the word base 'lancong' or 'tour' in Malay and English respectively. The spelling mistake was really obvious coz lencung means something else.

This picture was taken inside Batu Caves in 2002. I haven't been there since and I do hope that the Tourism Ministry has addressed this matter, else they really need to replace the bench.


Anonymous said...

Seems like menggalakkan rakyat2 Malaysia melencung yer.

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Pukankah kita sutah menang itu pilihanlaya, jadi musti kasi lencung sikit lah. LOL!!!

emilayusof said...

Yelah Julia! Apalah kan mereka ini!

emilayusof said...

Hahahahaha Zubli! Thanks for dropping by! Itu pasat lar!

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Emila Yusof, itu handsome sana luluk, pila mau lencung saya punya ninggili?

emilayusof said...

Hehe Zubili itu! Awak punya nigili dekat mana? Nanti saya cakap sama itu hensem boleh pegi lencung sana!

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Haiyah Cik Siti, bukan ninggili Alab. Emila you kasi tau itu hansem, saya itu ninggili ini taun Olempiks. Semua boleh kasi lencung Gelate Warl sana dekat.

emilayusof said...

kat mana tu Zubli?

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